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Dab Rig and Bong Adapters: Everything You Need To Know


Fat Ass Glass |


This article is all about adapters! What they are, different types you can get, and how they work! Adapters are an accessory that is growing in popularity due making things easier and more versatile. Find out what adapter would work for you and why you need one!

Understanding Adapters?

First things first, you need to know what an adapter is. An adapter is an accessory that connects to your bong/rig joint. These adapters allow you to convert sizes and genders. This allows you to mix and match your pieces and eliminates the need to buy new if they weren't originally compatible.

Various Styles & Types Of Adapters

Adapters come in various types and styles, each serving their own purpose. You can get them to reduce size, change gender, add some extension, or make two joint sizes and same gender work together.

Joint and Gender  

There are two different types of adapters that you can use for joint sizes. One is called a reducer, and the other is a joint converter.


The purpose of the reducer is to easily reduce a larger size joint, to a smaller size, for example if you had an 14mm joint on your bong or dab rig but had a 10mm flower bowl or banger. The reducer would reduce the 14mm opening to a 10mm to fit your bowl or banger snug.

A converter adapter allows you to pair different joints and genders by converting their size. It allows for same gender and same joint size to connect with ease and a proper seal.

Available Sizes: These adapters come in various sizes to fit 10mm, 14mm, 18mm and male and female genders.

Drop Down

Drop Down Adapters are still considered to be adapters but serve a little bit of a different purpose in comparison to the other styles. A drop-down act as an extension keeping your face further away from the heat. These drop downs can also act as reclaim or ash catchers as any excess residue or debris is dropped down into the drop down before it enters your bong or rig.

Available Sizes: These adapters come in various sizes to fit 10mm, 14mm, 18mm and male and female genders.

Adapter Materials

Adapters can come in a couple different materials, glass and silicone.

Glass Bong Adapters

Glass Adapters come in a variety of designs and styles but with them being glass they aren't indestructible and can break. Glass is sleek to look at and produces the best flavor. Be sure to keep your glass adapters stored safely and kept clean to ensure they last a long time.

Silicone Bong Adapters

Silicone adapters made from silicone, this makes them super easy to clean and less fragile than glass. The downfall of silicone is that it can melt, and the flavor of your product can be slightly altered.

Why Should You Use Adapters?

Adapters are beneficial simply because they allow you to mix and match your items without having to purchase new ones if you accidentally pick up the wrong size or gender while you're out and about. Trust us, it happens!

How To Use?

Adapters are easy to use! Simply grab the adapter you want to use and place it in the joint opening of your bong or rig. Next, grab your banger or bowl and place it into the joint opening of the adapter and you are ready to use like normal! It's really that easy.

Things To Consider While Choosing The Right Adapter:

  1. Know Your Joint Size: Know before hand what size joint you are needing to adapt with or convert to.
  2. Determine The Gender: Know if you need a male or female joint
  3. Material: Which material fits your needs better, glass or silicone? 
  4. Know Your Purpose And Functionality: Know exactly what type of adapter you need and what you will be using it for!
  5. Compatibility With Accessories: Get an adapter that will be compatible with other accessories you have. 
  6. Ease Of Cleaning: Certain styles are trickier or take more elbow grease to clean, pick which one works best for you. 
  7. Aesthetic And Style: Get something that matches your style and aesthetic. Accessories were made for that! 
  8. Brand Reputation And Reviews: Don't be afraid to read reviews and check out a brands rep before purchasing. 
  9. Price: Stay in your price range! If you have a budget stick to it but don't trade in your quality for a bummy product. 

Maintenance & Cleaning Guide

It is always recommended that you keep your accessories and glass clean! To clean an adapter:

  1. fill a plastic bag or container with iso and salt or a cleaning solution of your choice.
  2. add your adapter to soultion
  3. gently shake or soak until all residue is off.
  4. rinse and repeat as necessary
  5. allow to fully dry before next use

Why Choose Fat Ass Glass For Adapter Attachments?

Here at Fat Ass Glass, we offer a variety of adapter attachments for all your smoking needs! Whether you need to reduce, convert, or extend, we have you covered with a variety here at Fat Ass Glass.


Adapters are growing in this industry and only getting better. Grab an adapter today to make your sesh even easier! Reducing size or making different genders and joint sizes compatible, an adapter truly is worth having in your back pocket for those just in case moments.

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